{"date_format": {"default": "MM.DD.YYYY HH:mm"}, "module": {"primaryAction": "Next", "restartButton": "Start Again", "restartModalTitle": "Do you really want to start again?", "restartModalText": "If you opt to start the process again, please note that your current answers will be lost. This might be useful in case something in your situation has changed.", "yourAnswersTitle": "Your Answers", "yourAnswersSub": "View your last answers in this section", "prodRecoTitle": "Recommendation", "moduleNotFound": "Module not found.", "fillRequiredFields": "Please fill out all required fields!", "why": "Why?", "whatNot": "What not?", "recommendation": {"features": "features"}}, "moduleInfo": {"scale": "Scale", "costs": "Costs", "details": "Details", "status": "Status"}, "staticModule": {"documents": {"title": "Documents", "sub": "All documents concerning your products and purchases in one place."}, "checklist": {"title": "Checklist", "sub": "Everything you need to do before, during or after your stay in Germany - individually tailored to your situation.", "noActions": "No more tasks for today. Enjoy your day."}, "help": {"title": "Help", "sub": "The most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about our products and services."}, "myData": {"title": "My Data", "sub": "Your personal details. Standard data can be easily changed. However, in order to change your name or date of birth, please contact our support.", "headline": "Additional Product Information", "subline": "Upload Documents and provide data"}, "onlineBanking": {"title": "Account balance", "sub": "Balance Overview", "standingOrderDesc": "Your standing order to receive your monthly payment", "standingOrderTitle": "Standing Order", "bankingDataDesc": "In order to change your banking information, please click on \"Change Data\".", "toTan": "Continue to mTAN", "feeReminder": "Please remember that the last payout will be \u20ac 89.00 lower (initial fee).", "bankingData": "Your Banking Data", "tanError": "Sorry, the mTAN was not correct. Please try it again.", "outOfTime": "TAN Expired. Please request a new TAN via the \"RESEND MTAN\" Button.", "transactionDetails": "Transaction details", "transactions": "Transactions", "accountStatement": "Account statement", "resendTAN": "Resend mTAN", "BANKING_REC_IBAN": "IBAN of Receiver", "BANKING_REC_NAME": "Name of Receiver", "BANKING_START": "Starting Date", "BANKING_REASON": "Reason for Payment", "balanceHeadline": "Your blocked account balance", "basicSum": "Additional Basic Sum:", "monthlyPayout": "Monthly Payout", "retrDate": "Retrieval Date:", "mTanValidFor": "mTAN valid for", "pleaseEnterMTanHere": "please enter mTAN here", "amount": "Amount", "externalReference": "External reference", "reference": "Reference", "bookingType": "Booking type", "valueDate": "Value date", "bookingDate": "Booking date"}, "actionsRequired": {"title": "Actions Required", "sub": "Your most important to-dos - completion is crucial in order to proceed further.", "completeStep": "Complete now", "actionRequired": "Action Required", "noActions": "No more actions required for today. Check your email inbox and your app for regular updates. Enjoy your day."}, "staticForgotPassword": {"forgotPassword": "Forgot your password", "forgotPasswordSubline": "Reset your password via email.", "fintibaImpress": "Fintiba Imprint", "fintiba": "Fintiba", "fintibaImprint": "Fintiba Imprint", "alreadyGotAccount": "Already got an Account? Login"}, "staticResetPassword": {"resetYourPassword": "Reset your password", "emailAddress": "Email address", "password": "Password", "rememberMe": "Remember me"}, "staticNewPassword": {"currentPassword": "Current Password", "newPassword": "New Password", "newPasswordConfirmation": "New Password Confirmation", "passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords to not match!"}}, "mTan": {"mtanSend": "We have send you a mTAN to your provided Mobile.", "desc": "Please check the data of your standing order below:", "transferSuccess": "We have setup your standing order:"}, "nav": {"modules": {"onlineBanking": "Online Banking", "documents": "Documents", "checklist": "Checklist", "myData": "My Data", "help": "Help", "actionsRequired": "Actions Required", "studyGuide": "Study Guide", "myTodos": "My To-Dos"}}, "product": {"addInfo": "Needed Info", "questionnaire": "Questionnaire"}, "productDone": {"activateTitle": "Activate your user", "activateText": "To continue, please activate your user so that we know it's really you.", "existingUserTitle": "Congrats, order successful!", "existingUserText": "Complete your open to-dos in your account.", "referralCodeTitle": "Referral code applied", "openMail": "Go to my email", "goBackHome": "Go back home", "whatIsNextTitle": "What's next?", "productInfoTitle": "Purchase summary"}, "productComplete": {"markedFieldsNotOptional": "* Marked fields are not optional.", "needToAcceptAllTermsAndAgreements": "You need to read and accept all terms and agreements before proceeding!", "helpBoxSorry": "Sorry ...", "orderProcessing": "Your order is being processed...", "doNotRefreshPage": "Please DO NOT refresh or close this page!"}, "welcome": {"title": "Fintiba - For International Students", "forInternationalStudents": "For International Students", "welcomeText": "Ensure a warm welcome and a seamless transition to Germany"}, "misc": {"actions": {"backToFintibaCom": "Back to fintiba.com", "backToWebapp": "Back to Web App", "backToLogin": "Back to login", "backToProduct": "Back to product", "loginToAccount": "Login to your account", "setDone": "Set Done", "saveData": "Save Data", "close": "Close", "remove": "Remove", "cancel": "Cancel", "back": "Back", "changePassword": "Password Change", "resetPassword": "Reset password", "login": "Login", "signUp": "Register", "logout": "Logout", "continue": "Continue", "buyNow": "Checkout", "changeData": "Change data", "showExplanation": "Show explanation", "hideExplanation": "Hide explanation", "showMore": "Show more", "foldBack": "Fold back", "showPassword": "Show", "hidePassword": "Hide", "extendAccount": "Extend my account", "downloadDocument": "download", "chooseDate": "Choose"}, "responses": {"copiedToClipboard": "Copied to Clipboard", "uploadFailedSize": "Max. accepted file size", "uploadFailedFileType": "Please upload a file with an accepted file type.", "noFile": "No file selected"}, "errors": {"notFound404": "404 NOT FOUND"}, "email": "Email", "beta": "BETA", "details": "Details", "amount": "Amount", "desc": "Description", "date": "Date", "dataUpdatedMessage": "Data has been updated!", "selectDocumentMessage": "Please select document for upload.", "loginSuccessfullMessage": "Successfully logged in! Welcome!", "pleaseNameYourDocument": "Please name your document.", "pleaseSelectFileForUpload": "Please select a file/document for upload.", "passwordChanged": "Password changed.", "pleaseTryAgain": "Something went wrong! Please try again.", "imprint": "Imprint"}, "menuBar": {"home": "Home", "documents": "Documents", "timeline": "Timeline", "profile": "Profile"}, "flashMessage": {"success": "\ud83d\ude4c Data successfully saved"}, "cover": {"salut": "Hello", "message": "Stay safe, stay well. We are here for you!", "studyGuide": "Study Guide", "studyGuideText": "Everything you need to know!"}, "blockedAccount": {"cardTitle": "Blocked Account", "monthlyAllowanceTitle": "Monthly Payout", "monthlyAllowanceSub": "Set a german account where the monthly payout will be transferred to."}, "timeline": {"cardTitle": "Timeline", "cardParagraph": "For even more transparency this section will aggregate all relevant events for you."}, "documents": {"cardTitle": "Documents", "searchBar": "Type to search ...", "newBadge": "New"}, "settings": {"sectionTitle": "Settings", "sectionParagraph": "Your settings area", "languageLabel": "Choose language", "ctaText": "Update settings", "mails_text": "Please keep me up to date with relevant product updates and general news about studying in Germany via (electronic) mail and SMS. I am aware that I can revoke my consent at any time.", "mails_title": "News & Updates"}, "cardLink": {"productInfo": "Product Information", "extraInfo": "Extra info", "restart": "Restart questionnaire", "settings": "Settings", "imprint": "Imprint", "logout": "Logout"}, "profile": {"settings": "Settings", "imprint": "Imprint", "logout": "Logout"}, "uploadView": {"noFileSelected": "No file selected", "acceptedFileTypes": "Accepted file types", "upload": {"callToAction": "Upload"}}, "closeAccount": {"title": "Close my Account", "connectSmartphone": "Connect smartphone", "errorConnectSmartphone": "You must connect your smartphone first.", "callSupport": "Call support", "closeAccount": "Close my account now", "cancelAccount": "Cancel opening process", "neverOpened": "Blocked Account was never opened", "sutorBank": "Sutor Bank", "blockedAccount": "Blocked Account", "accountBalance": "Account balance", "payoutsExpired": "Your payouts have already expired", "uploadLabel": "Upload a document that allows your account closure (visa rejection letter, \"Sperrfreigabe\" or similar)", "mTanCloseAccount": "You are closing your blocked account. Do NOT close your account if you want to edit data - for that, contact our support team.", "whichAccountLabel": "To which account should the funds go?", "originalAccount": "Original account", "errorOriginalAccount": "Looks like your closure request cannot be processed automatically. Please contact our support team via email or phone.", "otherAccount": "Other account", "errorLegitimation": "Seems like your legitimation is not completed or processed yet, so the funds can only be transferred to the original account. Please contact support in case this account is no longer active or cannot be used.", "stillActiveLabel": "Are all original sender accounts still active?", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "subtitle": "Here, you can terminate your account", "done": "Your account has been terminated", "dataMissing": "Data is missing", "checkingData": "Closure in progress - we're checking your data", "returningMoney": "Funds are on the way", "moneyReturned": "Money returned", "returnFailed": "Reversal transfer failed"}, "forceUpdateView": {"title": "Update available.", "sub": "We've continued to make under the hood improvements for a better experience and smashed some bugs along the way. Please update your app to the most recent version. Stay healthy!", "button": "Update Now"}, "home": {"nextStep": {"prefix": "Next step:"}}, "accountExtension": {"cardTitle": "Account Extension", "subText": "optional"}, "beneficiaryAccount": {"cardTitle": "Payout Details"}, "launchScreen": {"claim": "The fastest and easiest way to your visa application. Choose your option", "fintibaPlus": {"solution": "Blocked Account & Health Insurance", "valueOne": "Free Travel Health Insurance", "valueTwo": "Everything for your visa and your stay in Germany in one solution", "valueThree": "Customised to your personal needs", "valueFour": "Help and advice for your stay in Germany", "callToAction": "Get Package now"}, "fintibaBasic": {"solution": "Blocked Account", "valueOne": "#1 Online Blocked Account for Germany", "valueTwo": "Accelerates your visa application", "valueThree": "Fast online account opening in your own name guaranteed", "valueFour": "App-based step by step guidance", "callToAction": "OPEN ACCOUNT NOW"}, "login": {"callToAction": "Login"}}, "loginScreen": {"inputLabel": {"email": "Email address:", "password": "Password"}, "forgotPassword": "Forgot your password?", "callToAction": "Login", "appPromoTitle": "Have you tried the Fintiba App yet?"}, "checkout": {"cardTitle": "Checkout", "subTitle": "Your order is complete", "appreciation": "Thank you!", "home": {"callToAction": "Take me home"}}, "referral": {"modal": {"title": "Make your friends", "titleHashtagPartOne": "#feellike", "titleHashtagPartTwo": "Home", "text": "\ud83d\udcb0 Earn Rewards with Fintiba! Share your referral code and get \u20ac10 every time a friend receives a Blocking Confirmation \u2014 and after 5 friends, earn \u20ac20 per referral!\n\ud83c\udf81 2025 Bonus: Your friends get \u20ac25 when they activate Fintiba Plus!\nPlease be aware that your code expires after 3 months in case of no further use (you can always generate a new one in the Fintiba app).", "detailedInfoLink": "See detailed information here", "generateLinkButton": "Generate your referral code", "shareButton": "Share my code", "shareEmailSalute": "Hello there,", "shareEmailBody": "If you're planning to study in Germany, you've GOT to check out Fintiba for your Blocked Account and Health Insurance. Not only are they great at what they do, but they also have an excellent referral programme!\n\nUse the code below for your registration and get a \u20ac25 gift as soon as you activate your health insurance.", "shareEmailRegards": "Best Regards,", "statisticLinkClicks": "Referral link clicks", "statisticLinkRegisteredFriends": "Friends registered", "statisticLinkEarnedRewards": "Rewards earned", "statisticLinkToBeRewardedFriends": "Friends to be rewarded"}, "message": {"title": "Loving Fintiba & think you will too!", "message": "Here is a \u20ac25 gift for your Blocked Account and Health Insurance. Use this referral code upon registration"}, "accessButtonLabel": "Get \u20ac20 Gift \u20ac25"}, "stati": {"productMissingInfo": "missing info", "productPending": "Pending", "productActive": "Active", "neededInfoVerified": "Verified", "neededInfoVerificationFailed": "Verification failed", "neededInfoMissing": "Missing", "neededInfoWaitingForVerification": "Waiting for verification", "nothingNeeded": "Nothing needed at this point", "missing": "Missing", "forConnector": "for", "startsOnConnector": "starts on"}, "helpdesk": {"title": "Help", "codePrefix": "Support code:"}, "sourceOfFunds": {"titleWeb": "_$_SOF_TITLE_WEB", "title": "_$_SOF_TITLE", "transactionOverview": {"headerTitle": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_HEADER_TITLE", "headerDescription": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_HEADER_DESC", "date": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_DATE", "amount": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_AMOUNT", "iban": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_IBAN", "remainingTime": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_REMAINING_TIME", "status": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_STATUS", "action": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_ACTION", "continue": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_CONTINUE", "questionnaire": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_QUESTIONNAIRE", "pending": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_PENDING", "rejectedLabel": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_REJECTED_LABEL", "rejectedDescription": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_REJECTED_DESC", "pendingLabel": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_PENDING_LABEL", "pendingDescription": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_PENDING_DESC", "openLabel": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_OPEN_LABEL", "openContinueDescription": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_OPEN_CONTINUE_DESC", "openQuestionnaireDescription": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_OPEN_QUESTIONNAIRE_DESC", "clearedLabel": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_CLEARED_LABEL", "clearedDescription": "_$_SOF_TRANSACTION_OVERVIEW_CLEARED_DESC"}, "documentsOverview": {"headerTitle": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENTS_OVERVIEW_HEADER_TITLE", "headerDescription": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENTS_OVERVIEW_HEADER_DESC", "upload": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENTS_OVERVIEW_UPLOAD", "document": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENTS_OVERVIEW_DOCUMENT", "description": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENTS_OVERVIEW_DESC", "status": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENTS_OVERVIEW_STATUS", "action": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENTS_OVERVIEW_ACTION", "rejected": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENTS_OVERVIEW_REJECTED", "notProvided": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENTS_OVERVIEW_NOT_PROVIDED", "inReview": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENTS_OVERVIEW_IN_REVIEW", "approved": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENTS_OVERVIEW_APPROVED"}, "documentUpload": {"title": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENT_UPLOAD_TITLE", "uploadFail": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENT_UPLOAD_UPLOAD_FAIL", "maximumSize": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENT_UPLOAD_MAXIMUM_SIZE", "upload": "_$_SOF_DOCUMENT_UPLOAD_UPLOAD"}, "questionnaire": {"headerTitle": "_$_SOF_QUESTIONNAIRE_HEADER_TITLE", "headerDescription": "_$_SOF_QUESTIONNAIRE_HEADER_DESC", "continue": "_$_SOF_QUESTIONNAIRE_CONTINUE"}}}